Sunday, March 20, 2011

MarchOhMarch report ( SINGAPORE )

on march12, MondaysOhMondays teamed up with Tr Bikes to organize MarchOhMarch.
we saw prolly the largest crowd to have gathered outside the shop made up by people from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia & Thailand. we had 5 different competitions on that day.
starting with the bunnyhop we saw Jaka & Galih dueling it out with Rock,Paper,Scissors. for the longest skid, we witnessed a record skid ever to be done outside the shop by Redhuan. next up was the most interesting category, the sprints. we saw alot of gutsy contestants, who fell & got back onto their bikes to finish the race & some bailing out. prolly the most funniest was the trackstand and the footdown. to distract the contestants, Hakim & Fauzi started splashing water at the guys & the ragging didn’t just stop there. Hakim started crawling under bikes.
 photos courtesy of Durath & Kamil
video courtesy of Giva
after the prize giving came the moment everyone was waiting for, the raffle. 110items from our very very kind sponsors. we had a very hard time sorting out the items to be given to the 20 raffle winners.
we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our kind sponsors that supported the event and also to each and everyone of you that made time to come down to the event. you could have been anywhere around the world but you choose to be with us.
thanks once again and see you guys for MarchOhMarch chapter2.
list of winners
- bunnyhop -
1st – Jaka
2nd – Galih
3rd – Aaron Chan & Sadad
- longest skid -
1st – Redhuan
2nd – Wei Xiong
3rd – Minzi
- trackstand -
1st – Redhuan
2nd – Eujine
3rd – Jaka
- footdown -
1st – Puket
2nd – Jaka
3rd – Jimm Chew
- sprint -
1st – Ujang
2nd – Ray
3rd – Adit
list of sponsors

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